Could You Benefit From A Financial Plan?

Answer the questions below.  For each item, select an option.
When finished, click the "Submit" button.

Cash Flow Management
1. Do you have a current budget?

2. Do you limit your spending on nonessential items, like meals out and recreation?

3. Are you saving enough money each month to pay for future major purchases, such as a new home, new auto, or college costs?

4. Do you currently have enough saved to pay for this year's major expenses, such as vacations or gifts?

Debt Management
5. Do you have less than $5,000 in credit card debt?

6. Do you have the lowest possible interest rates on all consumer and mortgage loans?

Tax Planning
7. Was your tax refund less than $500 last year?

8. Was your taxable investment income less than $1000 last year?

Investment Planning
9. Do you have an emergency fund equal to at least 90 days of net pay?

10. Do you contribute enough to your company savings plan to receive the maximum company match if offered?

11. Is your investment portfolio properly allocated between stocks, bonds, and cash?

12. Are you earning the best possible returns on your savings and investments?

Insurance Planning
13. Do you have the correct amount and type of medical, life, and disability insurance at the lowest net cost?

14. Do you have high limits and the proper deductible on your auto and home owners insurance?

Retirement Planning
15. Do you know how much money you must have accumulated by retirement in order to generate adequate income for life?

16. Are you saving enough money each month to accumulate the amount you will need by retirement?

Estate Planning
17. Do you have an up-to-date will, living will, testamentary trust, and durable power-of attorney?

18. Are all assets titled correctly?

19. Do you maintain an organized record keeping system?

20. Have you reviewed your entire financial picture with a trusted advisor in the last two years?

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